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  • A comparison of the antiwear properties of water-organic solutions containing nano-sized particles of lead and palladium

    A promising direction of creation of new lubricants is their modification by nanoclusters of metals, which form in the zone of friction of the protective film, providing reduction of wear of friction pairs. In this regard, the aim of this work is to study tribological properties of lubricating compositions containing nanosized particles of lead and palladium. A lubricating composition was obtained in aqueous solution during electrolysis with a lead anode or in the presence of salts of palladium in an ultrasonic field (complex processing). Tribological studies showed that the lubricating compositions have high anti-wear and extreme pressure properties.

    Keywords: nanoscale particles, friction, wear, anti-wear and antiwelding properties

  • Recommendations on the selection of bearing parts in order to increase the service life of a bridge structure

    One of the most important elements of the bridge, from which the service life of this structure directly depends, is the supporting part. It provides the movement and rotation of span structures, as well as the transfer of all loads from the forces acting on them to the supports. The task of the designer is to select such support parts, that could be allowed maximum reducing of the forces, acting at the ends of the beams and having a minimum resistance to their free movement. It is necessary in each case to select the support part, which will most closely meet the requirements. To solve this problem, the author structured and tabulated the kinds of support parts. And also an analysis of the main characteristics of some of them.

    Keywords: bearing part, exothermia, bridge structure, durability, service life, transfer of loads and displacements, deforming systems, sliding systems, rolling systems

  • "Using a network statistical models in the practice of political analysis "

    This article discusses some of the problems arising in the study of political processes of network modeling methods. The relation of concepts, models and their practical application in the analysis of political events is analyzed. The purpose of work is to examine the hypothesis testing problem in the practice of political analysis using empirical methods in the field of cooperation between public institutions and networks of civic engagement structures. It is shown that the use of network modeling methods to move from descriptive methods, cluster analysis to statistical models, reproducing the interaction of political subjects, which makes it possible to produce test of hypotheses by empirical methods. Statistical models combine the methods of qualitative analysis and quantitative methods of hypotheses verification and application of the results of various concepts in political practice. Revealed the limitations of the use of the research capacity of the network models, associated with incomplete empirical data obtained during the field research that requires the experiments, various forms of observation and interviews. Results of the analysis and forecasting can be used in the practice of "network management", aimed at the impact on the network structure by changing the institutional rules and regulations.

    Keywords: network statistical models, network management, policy diffusion, diffusion of innovations

  • Hybrid epoxy-amine hydroxyurethane-grafted polymer

    Cured linear hybrid epoxy-amine hydroxyurethane-grafted polymer are preparedby novel structure with lengthy epoxy-amine chains, pendulous hydroxyurethane units and a controlled number of cross-links. These hybrid polymers combine increased flexibility with well balanced physical-mechanical and physical-chemical properties of conventional epoxy-amine systems and may be used, for example, for manufacturing of synthetic/artificial leather and sport monolithic floorings. US Patent Application 14/296,478, filed June 05, 2014.

    Keywords: linear epoxy-amine chains, hybrid hydroxyurethane-grafted polymers, synthetic nonisocyanate leather.

  • Development of a parametrical model of the ion current signal for driving engines of moving objects

    The article presents the results of approximating of ion current signal of the most appropriate parametrical models in Matlab software. It is shown that in spite of the high accuracy of approximation, parametrical model Gaussian, which chosen early in Matlab, have significant drawbacks. In order to eliminate the identified deficiencies authors was developed parametric model in which the discrete Fourier transform was used to approximate of the ion current signal.

    Keywords: ion current, the internal combustion engine, a parametric model, a discrete Fourier transform, the Gaussian model, the approximation of a signal

  • The main aspects of forming of a human capital in the conditions of formation of economy of knowledge

    The main approaches to forming of a human capital as major factor of economic growth and production resource of economy of knowledge are considered. The main stages of forming of a human capital and the main factors influencing this process are determined

    Keywords: knowledge economy, human capital, competence, intellectual potential, labour potential

  • Additive technology is a dynamically developing production

    This article is dedicated to overview of additive technologies, Russia's place in the modern world of developing technology, a comparative analysis of existing technologies, made predictions about trends in the development of additive technology in our country

    Keywords: additive technology, classification, 3-D-printing, machines, powders for additive technologies, selective laser sintering

  • Analysis methods of the Russian financial market volatility for a wide class of models

    The article considers a problem of the Russian financial market modeling and suggests wide classes of diffusion and jump models. The authors examine the adequacy of the diffusion models by means of quadratic variation analysis on the Russian financial market, which is used to construct the volatility index, the most important quantitative risk indicator in the financial market. It is shown that the existing volatility indexes RTSVX and RVI worse approximate the realized variation than the alternative index, based on the implied variation integration. Further analysis of power variation of log-returns for RTS index shows that Levy processes with unbounded variation without diffusion component better describe the dynamics of the Russian financial market. A new model-free formula for the volatility index is proposed in the class of Lévy processes. The new formula suggested is based on the variation representation via market option prices.

    Keywords: mathematical modeling, numerical method, mathematical finance, volatility index, option, Levy process, diffusion model, quadratic variation, RTS index, derivatives market.

  • Taxation implement as a way to sustainable forest management

    Abstract: We consider the importance of taxation instruments on sustainable forest management. The goal is the creation of geographic information systems to efficiently develop leased forest areas in the short and long term to meet the requirements of the forest legislation of the Russian Federation and the minimization of the cost of a unit of harvested timber, in order to increase profits logging companies.

    Keywords: "Keywords: forest taxation, age borer, forest management, forest raw material preparation, geographic information systems , cost reduction"

  • Choice of a method of testing as solution of a multicriteria problem

    Problem of the choice of software testing method as a problem of a multicriteria optimization is put and considered in this article. The method of testing of the separate program module can be automated, manual or the mixed. In this case the problem of optimization has a degenerate representation because the set of admissible decisions contains only several elements Such formal simplicity is compensated by the significant amount of criteria and a graduated algorithm of their calculation. This algorithm is based on processing of expert estimates. Estimates are given in group of programmers – creators of the software product, and in group of systemic testers. For programmers the special questionnaire is used. The algorithm of the solution of an optimization problem based on a method of group linear convolution is offered. Total value of convolution for the separate program module corresponds to one of three possible methods of testing: automated, manual or the mixed. The offered algorithm can be extended to other problems of discrete optimization with terminating quantity of elements of an admissible set.

    Keywords: software testing, multicriteria optimization, admissible set, automated, manual or the mixed testing, expert estimates, program module, linear convolution, algorithm of the solution of an optimization problem

  • Vibration-based damage detection on a multi-girder bridge superstructure

    It implemented the problem of identification of damaged bearing beams span bridge structures using vibration diagnostics methods, taking into account experimental uncertainties associated with natural hazards and man-made processes. Method fault location is based on analysis of dynamic properties of the structure, such as the natural frequencies and mode shapes. The paper shows the study of finite element model of the bridge structure using the method of determining structural damage indicator based on the values ​​of waveforms normalization taking into account the values ​​of the oscillation area.

    Keywords: damage detection, multi-girder bridge superstructure

  • The system that automatically dials emergency services in the event of a road traffic accident

    The paper represent a view about modern solutions of operational notification of emergency services about Hard traffic accident and realisation of suitable software product.

    Keywords: mobile device, mobile application, medical ambulance, emergency reaction, means of the notification, electronic medical record, java programming, Android operating system, road accident, geodata, time, "gold" hour

  • Optimization of grain composition of quartz sand – as a resource-saving factor in construction

    Economy of resources in case of production of combined steel concrete designs is the main task of a construction industry. The possibility of expansion of the range of fractionation of fillers by use of small career sands of the region is considered that will provide flexible regulation of grain composition of filler. Enrichment of construction sand by small fractions of filler causes more dense packaging of grains, cutting a cement consumption

    Keywords: resource-saving, cement economy factors, secondary raw materials of the region, sand fractionation, optimization of composition of filler

  • About experience of use of dust collectors on the counter twirled flows in systems of dust removal of industrial emissions

    At institute of architecture and construction of the Volgograd state technical university (IAIS VOLGGTA)) for more than thirty years the researches directed to decrease in pylepostupleniye on urban air environment are conducted. Some schemes of configuration of systems of dust removal of emissions with dust collectors on the counter twirled twirled flows (VZP) realized at various enterprises are provided in article.

    Keywords: devices VZP, system of dust removal, scheme of configuration, pyleochistka, efficiency of a pyleochistka

  • The proposal for the construction of a new bus station in the city of Rostov-on-Don, taking into account the existing urban infrostruktura

    Considered several locations the bus station located in the city of Rostov-on-Don, and their location in urban areas. In the process of continuous urban growth and the construction of new housing estates, suggested to build a new avtovokzalnogo complex includes the station building itself, as well as the building of the hotel with car parking.

    Keywords: bus, "model projects", "individual projects", Fibonacci spiral, bionics, shell-Nautilus