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  • The development of toolkit of cognitive modelling for research of difficult systems

    In the article the approach to modelling and the analysis of functioning of difficult systems based on indistinct cognitive maps is described. The theoretical part of the article is devoted description of modern family cognitive maps, the short characteristic and the analysis of following groups is given: Cognitive Maps, Fuzzy Cognitive Maps, Fuzzy Cognitive Maps by Silov, Rules Based Fuzzy Cognitive Maps, Generalized Rules Based Fuzzy Cognitive Maps, Relational Fuzzy Cognitive Maps, Neutrosophic Relational Maps, Dynamic cognitive networks. The concept of fuzzy way is entered for the development of mathematical toolkit and the model of fuzzy pulse process is offered. The practical component of the article is directed on the description of examples of the decision of separate problems of cognitive modelling with application of the device fuzzy directed graph of the 1st kind. The offered approach will allow to develop forecast scenarios of development of difficult system taking into account its reaction on external influences.

    Keywords: difficult system, fuzzy model, fuzzy cognitive map, fuzzy way

  • The adaptive suppression of motion artifacts at horse ECG recording

    The article deals with interference suppression algorithms that arise in the ECG signal by moving of the electrodes due to the motion of the object. It is proposed to use an adaptive filter, which reference signal is provided by the data triaxial accelerometer.

    Keywords: electrocardiogram, adaptive filtering, motion artifacts, electrophysiological signal adaptation algorithm

  • The motor vehicle model for integrated navigation systems

    Modern ultra-tight integration structure of strapdown inertial systems and global positioning system, based on the linearization of the navigation measurements and linearization of measurement errors models, are not not applicable for motor vehicles navigation. The adequate standard stochastic model of the vehicle perturbed motion has been synthesized. The model can be used for the integration Kalman filter. Such correlations can result in poor real-time estimation accuracy of navigation parameters of motor vehicle.

    Keywords: motor vehicle, stochastic model, integration structure of strapdown inertial systems and global positioning system

  • The loosely coupled algorithm of integrated INS-GPS navigation system of the vehicle

    The existing approaches to the integration of relatively cheap strapdown inertial navigation system (SINS) based on MEMS-based technology and satellite navigation systems (SNS) are ineffective in relation to motor vehicles. We consider the iterative algorithm for the loosely coupled mode of integration of heterogeneous navigation systems do not intend to use the optimal estimation. The solution is obtained on the basis of the fully nonlinear model of the navigation system of the vehicle and the, therefore, is valid for arbitrary and unknown in advance nature of his movements, and, in the most general assumptions about the level of disturbances acting upon him.

    Keywords: vehicle, integrated inertial navigation satellite system, loosely coupled iterative algorithm

  • The algorithm for constructing the trajectories of moving objects in a video based on optical flow

    At present, the development of algorithms is particularly relevant high-level analysis of video sequences, including tracking of objects in a video stream and their implementation in information and communication systems. In the proposed approach the pretreatment step uses optical flow calculation for each frame video sequence, as well as low-level features (such as a representation of each pixel in the color space YIU). For moving objects optical flow is more important than for a stationary background and allows you to find the foreground objects in video sequences and adjust the weighting function in determining the histogram similar to the adjacent frames, taking into account the motion of objects.

    Keywords: computer vision, tracker, tracking of object, optical flow, motion tracking

  • Improving the accuracy of extrinsic camera parameters calibration

    The model of the ideal video camera is described, the form of the intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters is showed. The relations between coordinates of a point in the world coordinate system with coordinates of this point on the image plane are given. The problem of finding extrinsic camera parameters from corresponded world and image points is posed. The error of found extrinsic parameters is estimated by simulation for several configurations of calibration objects consisting of a variable number of points on different distances from the camera and with different angles between them. On the basis of simulation results recommendations are given for the choice of the calibration object in order to improve the accuracy of the extrinsic camera parameters. The best results may be obtained with a configuration consisting of points that have a large angular distance between them and are posed on different distance from camera.

    Keywords: camera calibration, extrinsic camera parameters, position and orientation estimation, calibration object

  • Development of elements for "smart clothes" based on the electrochemical charge storage system for microsystems technique

    In this paper we propose basic geometric, mass and electrical parameters of the element for collection of static electricity from the surface of the textile. This element is a reversible electrochemical charge storage system based on nanostructured nickel oxide and carbon cloth. Element has a planar structure, it is flexible, lightweight, safety and ergonomic. Proposed element can be used as a power source for the Microsystems technique in "smart clothes".

    Keywords: "smart clothes", microsystems technique, static electricity, supercapacitor, composite material NiO/C

  • Modeling the ab initio structure of layered aluminosilicates.

    This work deals with the study of atomic and electronic structure of kaolinite samples (Glukhovtsy deposit) and montmorillonite (Millerovsky deposit) by density functional theory. The applicability of existing exchange-correlation potential in the local density approximation (LDA) and the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) is analised for an adequate description of the physical properties of layered aluminosilicate. An experimental and theoretical study of the IR spectra of minerals, as well as the identification of the most intense absorption bands, performed in the approximation of DFT using the exchange-correlation potential PW91. The analysis of the band structure of these minerals, which showed that these compounds are direct-gap insulators.

    Keywords: DFT, clay, clay minerals, phyllosilicates, atomic and electronic structure, crystalline systems, IR spectrum band strukutra, the electron density

  • Complex research of the composition and structural characteristics of the rock-forming minerals in Millerovsky bentonite clay

    This work deals with the integrated study of the composition and structural characteristics of the rock-forming minerals in Millerovsky bentonite clay. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of the clay samples is made by X-ray diffraction , X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and thermal analysis . The morphological and microstructural features of minerals are investigated by scanning electron microscopy. The application of the method of direct theoretical calculation of the diffraction patterns is showm to determine the crystal-chemical parameters of the studied minerals. The results are aimed at explaining a number of physical and chemical properties of layered aluminosilicate.

    Keywords: clays, clay minerals, layered silicates, x-ray diffraction, crystalline systems

  • Final element analysis of strain-stress state of elements of crosscut power end of bus body in operation

    In the article it is reflected the results of carrying out numerical research of supporting capacity of side interfenestral bus body pillars. It is carried out calculating of detailed final element model of bus body pillars with considering the physical and geometric nonlinearity. The implementation of final element analysis of the stress-strain state of bus body pillars is provided for simple and complex bending. It is made the consideration of the influence of chemical material corrosion on stiffness and strength characteristics of the body pillar. Modeling is made with the use of opportunities of a package of the applied ANSYS programs.

    Keywords: The bus, safety of bus construction, strength, deformation, body pillar, corrosion

  • Development of a framework enabling technology waste rock and minerals processing ores KMA

    The problem of utilization of iron ore tailings . The prospects of iron ore mining in the Russian underground . A method for extracting iron from tailings to 9 % of the original content, by mechanochemical processing. The results of particle size distribution , chemical and mineralogical analyzes of samples collected waste ferruginous quartzites LGOK . Experiments were carried out using the methods of planning optimal experiments , Box-Behnken and included 24 experience. Obtained according to the content of metal recovery in the leach solution of sulfuric acid , sodium chloride , rotor speed and the ratio of disintegrant liquid and solid phases. This dependence allows to determine the optimal parameters of technology in terms of " metal recovery ." The resulting secondary processing of tailings to be used in the manufacture of hardening mixes for stowing as an inert filler and binder counterpart .

    Keywords: tailings, mechano-chemical activation, iron ore, ferruginous quartzites, metal recovery

  • Research of basic aerodynamic properties of crushed straw material

    A widespread technology with deep litter floor with broilers. Promising material for bedding are the straw materials. However, straw, held a simple reduction, does not meet the zootechnical requirements, in particular the recommended length of the cut should be 50 mm to 150 mm. Thus, there arises the problem of fractionation straw, obtained at harvest crops as waste. We carried out an analysis of the different types of fractional chopped straw with nodal connections without them. Studies have been conducted on the behavior of these types in an air classifier with a velocity change .

    Keywords: The straw residues fractionation aerodinomicheskie performance, fly speed

  • Comparative analysis of porous piezoceramics modelling by effective moduli and finite element methods with experimental data

    The results of computational experiments to determine the characteristics of the porous piezoelectric ceramics based on the methodology, including the effective modules method, simulations of representative volumes on a simple random method and the method of Witten-Sander, finite element method to solve static piezoelectric problems for heterogeneous composite media and the accounting of inhomogeneous polarization near the pores are presented. A comparison of the results of computer simulation with the known experimental data for the porous material PZT-4 and its analogs is realized. It is concluded that the accounting of inhomogeneous polarization in the vicinity of porous provide the better agreement between numerical results and large number of known experimental data. Thus, for most effective constants the smallest errors are obtained for a representative volume of the porous piezoelectric material, constructed by Witten-Sander method.

    Keywords: piezocomposite, porous piezoelectric ceramics, inhomogeneous polarization, mathematical modelling, models of representative volumes, finite element method, effective moduli

  • Classifiers for the construction of complex objects in multidimensional spaces

    Is devoted to the actual problem of constructing classifiers objects given by a point in a multidimensional space of feature values. The principle of linear normal classification of objects in multi-dimensional space of attributes can be used to build a classifier in the case of many complex structures, in general, are inseparable one hyperplane. In such cases, proposed to use a set of hierarchically related normal separating hyperplanes, which is called the normal hierarchical classifier.

    Keywords: recognition, classification, feature space, the geometric method

  • Panoramic image stitching with handling the parallax effect for the known world model

    The short review of existing panoramic systems are given. The limits of such systems doesn't allow to form a panoramic video with dealing the parallax effect in real-time systems. The presented algorithm for forming a panoramic video is free of these disadvantages. An algorithm based on mathematical model of the round-view system that takes into account the location of cameras, their intrinsic parameters and model of the world. The algorithm includes following chain of coordinate transformation: from panoramic image coordinates to spherical coordinates and to Cartesian world coordinate system, from world coordinates to camera coordinate system and to input image coordinates. Geometric distortion of camera is dealt. Model of the world is represented as spherical and a hemispherical surfaces.

    Keywords: panoramic image, round-view video system, camera model, camera distortion, parallax