We consider two different manufacturing techniques developed screw piles ACSYS. The order of devices of this type of piles. Describes the advantages of the pile ACSYS in comparison to other existing precast, vibrodent and rammed piles. Marked features of work in a structurally unstable soils.
Keywords: screw pile, AXIS, subsiding soils, screw, load capacity, screw skvazhinoobrazovatel, besklinkernom binder, vent soil liner
The main questions of tehnology and mechanisation process of construction of global system is considered. Movement of prepared connected tube system according the project makes by shifting of initiative sections.
Keywords: tube system, contact zone, self-construction, prospectivity.
In this paper consider the problem of numerical simulation of dynamic systems with many degrees of freedom under pulse exposure. Addresses the issues of relevance and importance of numerical modeling to date, taking into account the magnitude of the current objectives of the study.
Keywords: numerical modeling, dynamical systems, pulsed load
This article is dedicated to improving cold resistance and a possible reduction in of cracking rubble-sand mixtures, fortified with cement (SCHPTSS), in which in addition to widely used in the preparation of cement concrete and plasticizers (C-3, SS-5; Relamix, etc.) waste rubber technical articles were added in various fractions and particle size (rubber crumb and rubber flour).
Keywords: rubble-sand mixture, frost resistance, fracture strength, plasticizers, rubber flour, the compressive strength limit, tensile strength limit in bending