Analysis and evaluation of geological and hydrogeological risks is a special kind of design and survey activities aimed to provide public safety, economyfacilities and the environment within the areas exposed to dangerous geological and engineering-geological processes. The article deals withreduce environmental risksmeasures in case of dangerous geological processes. A variant of engineering-geological zoning of the urban area, depending on the state and properties of the geological environment.
Keywords: ecology, geology, risk
We consider two different manufacturing techniques developed screw piles ACSYS. The order of devices of this type of piles. Describes the advantages of the pile ACSYS in comparison to other existing precast, vibrodent and rammed piles. Marked features of work in a structurally unstable soils.
Keywords: screw pile, AXIS, subsiding soils, screw, load capacity, screw skvazhinoobrazovatel, besklinkernom binder, vent soil liner