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  • Analysis of the characteristics of a controlled frequency-selective surface in the microwave range

    The article examines the relevance of the study of new coatings, with the possibility of controlling their characteristics. At the beginning of the article, we review the available methods for creating frequency-selective surfaces. Next, the created controlled frequency-selective surfaces are considered. The same is said about the construction of the created surfaces. At the end of the article, an analysis is made of the results obtained on the study of controlled frequency-selective surfaces, a comparison with previously obtained results.

    Keywords: control, frequency-selective surface, microwave, radio-absorbing material

  • The intensity of the field of a symmetrical vibrator,as elements of a focused aperture, over a broadband signal

    The article discusses the analysis of the directivity pattern of a symmetrical vibrator from a different spectrum of a broadband signal, to improve the quality of information transmission. The calculation of the directivity pattern of a symmetrical vibrator has been carried out.

    Keywords: field strenght, symmetrical vibrator, beam pattern, broadband signal

  • Zones (Regions) of the Contemporary World as a Topical Issue: The Overall Perspective

    This work starts a series of the articles devoted to the analysis of the processes taking place in poorly structured and geopolitically unstable zones (regions) of the contemporary world. Considering the analysis of the specific situations as a special scientific procedure, the author looks at length at the instrumentation which is supposed to be used by a researcher of a relevant profile. The author proves the thesis of the inadmissibility of contrasting exact and non-exact methods in the investigation of geopolitical problems in the unstable and turbulent environment. Special attention is paid to revealing the possibilities of various forms of modelling which is more extensively used in the regional geopolitics. The analysis of the specific situations is interpreted by the author as a complex multi-level work consisting of two phases.

    Keywords: contemporary world, geopolitically unstable zones and regions, analysis of the specific situations (ASS), situational analysis, historical descriptive methods in ASS, geographical and geopolitical mapping, methods of formalization and quantification

  • ZThe Analysis of the Situations in the Geopolitically Unstable Zones (Regions) of the Contemporary as a Specific Procedure: The Scheme of the First Stage

    This work presents the second article within the series devoted to the peculiarities of the analysis of the situations in geopolitically unstable zones (regions) of the contemporary world. The author focuses on the first stage of this scientific procedure. It includes the determination of the geographical parameters of the region under investigation (or the problematic zone of the world), the study of the topography of the involved political powers and compiling their basic characteristics as well as the identification of the overall “architecture” the studied site.

    Keywords: system analysis, situational analysis,“place-action” (pad), “local” states, the status and viability of the states, the geopolitical taxonomy of the region, the state’s power, the potential of the state, national interests, axis of national interests

  • Analysis of the stress-strain state of a monolithic concrete fastening for underground structures with non-circular outlines

    Using simulation and finite element method calculations of stress-strain state of monolithic concrete support for underground structures with non-circular outlines made of fast-hardening concrete are carried out in the paper. Based on the obtained results, the maximum stress zones and their magnitude in the reinforced concrete support are established. The stresses are compared with circular-form supports. The factors influencing the stress state of the support are determined.

    Keywords: Underground structures; soils; concrete support; voltage; the experiment plan; modeling; finite element method

  • The use of organic additives for the cement consumption

    High cost and shortage of cement in the construction market of the Russian Federation determines the need to find ways to save it. One of the promising directions of improving the technology of concrete, providing the opportunity for significant savings of cement is the production of concretes of new generation. Such concretes are of high quality or highly functional. Mandatory element of the technology of such concretes is the introduction in their composition of organic additives (OMD). Using the methods of the experiment planning theory in the developed compositions of organic additives depending on the fineness of the mineral component and dosage of superplasticizer. It is established that the use of the proposed organic-mineral additives will allow to save from 15 to 30% of cement without loss of concrete strength.

    Keywords: saving of cement, superplasticizer, mineral component, organic additive, the strength of concrete, design of experiments

  • The calculation of the walls of the water tower in the form of a cylindrical tank for strength and stability

    Discusses the calculation of a water tower Rozhnovskogo design, in the form of a welded sheet construction, structurally consisting of a tank of cylindrical shape with a conical bottom and a cylindrical roof and pillars. Performed creating finite element analysis model and the determination of the stresses in the tower elements with regard to the various features of the design, installation and operation of the facility. Discusses the local stability of the wall at the junction of cylindrical and conical parts. The necessity of the device the ribs in the conical part along the meridional direction and in the junction of annular ribs.

    Keywords: Tower, leaf design, reservoir, resistance, voltage

  • Ensuring the environmental safety of rural areas as a criterion for their sustainable development

    "Environmental safety of rural areas" means the safety of natural and artificial ecological systems, technospheric objects and the population. On the example of Neklinovsky district of Rostov region the key role of ecological monitoring of drinking water quality in the system of environmental safety

    Keywords: ecological safety of rural areas, sustainable development of rural areas

  • A study on the demand for services freelance designer building design among young people

    This article discusses current trends in the design field. The results of the pilot survey conducted in November 2017 the aim of the study was to identify demand for services freelance designer environmental spaces in the youth environment. Describes the main functional properties of a design project, revealed of style trends and color preferences; determined a reasonable time of the execution of the design project and the average price of design services in the field of building design.

    Keywords: Terehova E.V.

  • Science and defense infrastructure

    The article gives judgments, focuses on the need for the development of military and town-planning sciences, based on the reality of practice, which, apart from armament, must take into account the urban and architectural components formed as a special kind of weapon of future wars.

    Keywords: Urban planning, Armed forces, military science, architecture, defense infrastructure, housing

  • Garrison maintenance as a component of combat readiness and combat capability

    The article confirms the importance of garrison services in ensuring combat capability and combat readiness. It was stated that the service industry of any military town should become a heuristic model of building service networks for all other populated areas and their social groups.

    Keywords: Garrison services, combat readiness, combat capability, Armed forces, architectural and planning organization, defense infrastructure

  • Investigation of the effect of the bed coefficient on the stress-strain state of reinforced beams with a filler made of bimodule material on an elastic base

    We consider an articulated reinforced beam from a bimodule material on an elastic base under the action of a concentrated force. Numerical investigation of the influence of the bimodule property of the beam material on the bending moment and deflection is given. The influence of the elastic bedding coefficient on the value of the maximum normal stress, the maximum bending moment and the maximum deflection is shown. Investigations were carried out for fibre-foam concrete beams, for which tensile modulus and compression moduli obtained experimentally are known. Numerical studies have shown that taking into account the bimodulity of the material, that is, taking into account the difference in elasticity modulus between tensile and modulus of elasticity for compression for concrete, leads to the need for calculation of strength both in tensile and compressive stresses.

    Keywords: Reinforced beam, bimodule material, normal stress, elastic Winkler base

  • The functional structure's connection of facilities for disabled people with a stepped system of cultural and consumer services

    The interrelation of pedestrian accessibility of facilities for disabled people with the functional composition of these facilities is considered, a methodology for formalizing such a relationship

    Keywords: architectural typology, invalids, pedestrian accessibility, objects of specialized services, stepped system of service

  • Testing of samples-witnesses of a reinforced polyethylene gas pipeline

    From the pilot section of the gas pipeline, after ten years of operation, specimen-witnesses were seized. The gas pipeline consists of reinforced polyethylene pipes with an average adhesive reinforcing layer. The results of mechanical tests of model samples are given in the article. Investigations of the deformation-strength properties of the witness specimens show a decrease in the temperature of the viscous-brittle transition to -15 ° C. These results indicate a deterioration in the adhesion between the outer layers of PE80 and the middle technological layer. Good adhesion led to the emergence and development of a fragile crack. Stability tests at constant pressure showed satisfactory results, not a single sample collapsed. According to the research data, the reinforced polyethylene pipe did not deteriorate its deformation-strength properties for ten years of operation of the gas pipeline under pressure.

    Keywords: Reinforced polyethylene pipe, specimen-witnesses, adhesion, stretching, viscous-brittle transition, resistance at constant internal pressure

  • Combining innovations in technology and art – the creation of a "living" building

    any project is created from separate but interrelated parts. If you try to combine technology and art, it may be a unique structure, eye-catching.

    Keywords: inversion roofing, expansion joint, reserve stock complex, the panorama Museum, wind tunnel, highly explosive, multi-center Blue line, the handicapped, architectural appearance, design solution, legkousvaivaemyh design