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  • Effects of degradation of phase transitions in segnetoelektrichesky perovskites

    In a classical ferroelectric material the real condition of the crystals, caused different type defects, leads to insignificant effects of degradation. In systems of firm solutions and difficult oxides эфти effects are the integral physical properties. The features of degradation of phase transitions are available and in a ferroelectric material-relaksorakh.

    Keywords: Phase transitions, ferroelectric material, perovskites, difficult oxides, ferroelectric material-relaksory

  • Methodical bases of measuring sustainable development of the market of cultivated mushrooms

    Measuring the sustainability of the market development of cultivated mushrooms will keep its status through isostatic effects of the complex determinants of development, creating optimal conditions for the movement of his main indicators nevelirovanie their dynamic vibration

    Keywords: Market cultivated mushrooms, sustainable development, trend, trend models, the coefficients of variability.

  • Mathematical model development for the complex evaluation of the electric object state.

    The article is dedicated to development of a mathematical model for evaluation of production assets in smart power grids state for decision support system. The results of equipment state evaluation can be used for prognosis of reliability of the asset and each of its components functioning for the time interval, for which various versions of technical solutions are considered.  

    Keywords: decision support system, state assessment, Smart Grid

  • Topological defects are located on a spherical surface.

    The simulation of two-dimensional spherical crystals consisting of a large number of particles is carried out. These shells were analyzed based on their geometric structure and energy distribution. Various types of defects formed in a state of equilibrium  is considered. Being shown the ambiguity of the existing method of their interpretation. A new way of describing such defects in the close-packed two-dimensional crystals with different topology is suggested.  

    Keywords: topological defects, two-dimensional materials, spherical crystals, topological charge

  • Constructive solutions balconies in residential buildings 19 - 20 centuries

    At the beginning of the 19th century balconies usually arranged in a mansion on the second floor. Most often, they were made of wooden structures with their own vertical supports. In the second half of the 19th century the use of cast-iron and steel struts rail rolling. Balcony plates are in the form of brick svodikov on rails. In tenement houses balconies began to carry out the scheme on the console (embedded in the masonry exterior walls), departure balconies declined.
    At the beginning of the 20th century in the construction of a new material - concrete. Supporting structures balconies as steel beams cantilevered embedded in the masonry. Filling the balcony slabs of concrete performed (rubble mixed with concrete, rebar steel rod in the form of a knitted mesh).
    In the mid-60 ÷ early 70s. 20th century 5-storey buildings with brick walls were used precast concrete balcony slabs, cantilever embedded in the masonry (250 mm).

    Keywords: construction, structural systems, walls, balconies, beams, sealing, coving, method

  • Development of elements for "smart clothes" based on the electrochemical charge storage system for microsystems technique

    In this paper we propose basic geometric, mass and electrical parameters of the element for collection of static electricity from the surface of the textile. This element is a reversible electrochemical charge storage system based on nanostructured nickel oxide and carbon cloth. Element has a planar structure, it is flexible, lightweight, safety and ergonomic. Proposed element can be used as a power source for the Microsystems technique in "smart clothes".

    Keywords: "smart clothes", microsystems technique, static electricity, supercapacitor, composite material NiO/C

  • Formation of radiating elements AESA ERS satellites elliptical polarization of the field

    The techniques generate a directivity diagram a slot antenna array with variable polarization. The results of calculation the characteristics of radiation for an array dimension 4x4 elements.

    Keywords: AESA, microstrip antennas, spacecraft, remote sensing of the earth.

  • Calculation of the components on the hedging portfolio misunderstood markets with non-deterministic behavior of the buyers of shares.

    We consider a one-step part (B, S) - a market with an infinite number of states. The first part of the article deals with modeling of random behavior of an infinite number of aggressive buyers of the shares in the financial market. There will be described one way to exit the buyers of shares on the market, the gap between the announcement of the share price. In the second part of the article presents the procedure hedge payment obligation (bp), which uses interpolation of incomplete full-arbitrage market economies (Haar interpolation method).

    Keywords: Stochastic basis, financial market, martingale measure,the weakened property of the universal Haar uniqueness, self-financing portfolios, capital of portfolio, contingent claim.

  • Modeling the ab initio structure of layered aluminosilicates.

    This work deals with the study of atomic and electronic structure of kaolinite samples (Glukhovtsy deposit) and montmorillonite (Millerovsky deposit) by density functional theory. The applicability of existing exchange-correlation potential in the local density approximation (LDA) and the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) is analised for an adequate description of the physical properties of layered aluminosilicate. An experimental and theoretical study of the IR spectra of minerals, as well as the identification of the most intense absorption bands, performed in the approximation of DFT using the exchange-correlation potential PW91. The analysis of the band structure of these minerals, which showed that these compounds are direct-gap insulators.

    Keywords: DFT, clay, clay minerals, phyllosilicates, atomic and electronic structure, crystalline systems, IR spectrum band strukutra, the electron density

  • Complex research of the composition and structural characteristics of the rock-forming minerals in Millerovsky bentonite clay

    This work deals with the integrated study of the composition and structural characteristics of the rock-forming minerals in Millerovsky bentonite clay. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of the clay samples is made by X-ray diffraction , X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and thermal analysis . The morphological and microstructural features of minerals are investigated by scanning electron microscopy. The application of the method of direct theoretical calculation of the diffraction patterns is showm to determine the crystal-chemical parameters of the studied minerals. The results are aimed at explaining a number of physical and chemical properties of layered aluminosilicate.

    Keywords: clays, clay minerals, layered silicates, x-ray diffraction, crystalline systems

  • Development of a framework enabling technology waste rock and minerals processing ores KMA

    The problem of utilization of iron ore tailings . The prospects of iron ore mining in the Russian underground . A method for extracting iron from tailings to 9 % of the original content, by mechanochemical processing. The results of particle size distribution , chemical and mineralogical analyzes of samples collected waste ferruginous quartzites LGOK . Experiments were carried out using the methods of planning optimal experiments , Box-Behnken and included 24 experience. Obtained according to the content of metal recovery in the leach solution of sulfuric acid , sodium chloride , rotor speed and the ratio of disintegrant liquid and solid phases. This dependence allows to determine the optimal parameters of technology in terms of " metal recovery ." The resulting secondary processing of tailings to be used in the manufacture of hardening mixes for stowing as an inert filler and binder counterpart .

    Keywords: tailings, mechano-chemical activation, iron ore, ferruginous quartzites, metal recovery

  • The mathematical description of fuel admission control algorithm for diesel generator power station with alternating frequency rotation of shaft.

    The problem of the engineering of servo-driver of control of the fuel pump of autonomous diesel generator characterized by alternating frequency rotation of shaft, which can be applied to power supply of remote areas and autonomous objects, is urgent in science because of the lack of studying. The urgency of the engineering of such servo-driver is defined by means of the fact, that their application as a part of autonomous diesel generator allows to receive essential economy of fuel and to prolong motor potential of electric power station.The engineering of the flow sheets of diesel generator based on a synchro generator and characterized by alternating frequency rotation of shaft. The engineering of the flow sheet and algorithm of operation for intellectual servo-driver of control of the fuel pump of autonomous electric power station characterized by the lowered fuel consumption. In article materials of the state contract № 16.526.12.6016 on 11.10.2011 are used

    Keywords: electric power station, diesel generator, synchrogenerator, converter.

  • Localization of damage truss structures using vibration damage detection method

    The question of the diagnosis of the state of building structures using non-destructive testing. These methods allow to predict the condition of structures to prevent accidents and, therefore, increase the service life of structures. The main objective of the study - assessment of changes in the vibration mode shapes method for the detection of structural damage , in the absence of forced uploading. The article describes the implementation of a mathematical method of vibration identification and localization of lesions of metal trusses . The results of the calculation for fault location triangular steel truss.

    Keywords: Vibration diagnostics, fault detection, diagnosis, construction construction spans, trusses, trusses, defect, damage, vibration, localization, identification

  • Researching a profile of potential of an electrostatic field during a blizzard in the Alp zone as potential renewable micro power source

    Tendencies of technological improvement of electronic chips led to reduction of their sizes, weight, development of functionality and decrease in power consumption. It allows us to discuss questions of developing renewable micro power sources which can provide power supply of autonomous microelectronic and micro circuitry systems for charge indication, paying attention to snow transfer, etc. 
    The purpose of the paper is researching a profile of electrostatic field potential in the mountain district which was estimated as a possible use as a renewable micro power source.
    It is found out that on windward sides of snow relieves the potential of electrostatic field exceeds three times to a similar  indicator for lee sides and is 80 V.  The potential is 3,5kV on polymeric surfaces (Nylon, teflon).   

    Keywords: snow storming electricity, electrization, potential of electrostatic field, charge, the salting, the loaded particles of snow, innovation electronics, micro circuitry, renewable micro power sources.

  • Comparative analysis of porous piezoceramics modelling by effective moduli and finite element methods with experimental data

    The results of computational experiments to determine the characteristics of the porous piezoelectric ceramics based on the methodology, including the effective modules method, simulations of representative volumes on a simple random method and the method of Witten-Sander, finite element method to solve static piezoelectric problems for heterogeneous composite media and the accounting of inhomogeneous polarization near the pores are presented. A comparison of the results of computer simulation with the known experimental data for the porous material PZT-4 and its analogs is realized. It is concluded that the accounting of inhomogeneous polarization in the vicinity of porous provide the better agreement between numerical results and large number of known experimental data. Thus, for most effective constants the smallest errors are obtained for a representative volume of the porous piezoelectric material, constructed by Witten-Sander method.

    Keywords: piezocomposite, porous piezoelectric ceramics, inhomogeneous polarization, mathematical modelling, models of representative volumes, finite element method, effective moduli