Currently, special attention is paid to ensuring a high level of convenience and road safety. It is impossible to achieve this result without a clear understanding of the expediency of using certain theoretical provisions in practice. The solution to this problem lies in the timely development of simulation algorithms that allow us to accurately assess the effectiveness of applied engineering solutions in the project documentation.
Keywords: Parking, vehicle, capacity, road network, speed, traffic safety
The main trends of updated automobile construction are the use of permanent for lowering mass overall dimension characteristics of electric equipment and an automobile as a whole. Diamond-abrasive treatment of sintered powder permanent magnets on the basis of Barium ferrite, strontium and cobalt is connected with difficulties of obtaining surfaces with little meanings of rouhness due to the higher brittleness, tendecy to crack formation, water-soluble technological lubricants (FWSTL) РВ-6 have been developed which contain fractal clusters and generate in contact diamond-abrasive tooltreated powder magnetic material of films with high load and lubricating abilities. Estimation criteria of water-soluble lubricacants efficiency (WSTL) at diamond-abrasive treatment by friction machine СМЦ-2 have been suggested. Comparative tests on the suggested criteria of efficiency FWSTL РВ- 6 and Lubricating cooland (LC) Blasokut 4000 SF 004 at treating by a diamond disk 2720-0031 ГОСТ 16167-90 of Barim ferrite 16Ба190 have been made. A conclusion has been drawn that РВ-6 possesses high efficiency.
Keywords: permanent magnet, Barium ferrite, functional water- soluble technological lubbricants, fractal cluster, diamont disk, friction machine