Nowadays, technologies in construction are rapidly changing, improving and updating. 3D modeling technologies are actively used. In turn, changes in the construction industry are reflected in the existing building regulations, JV and GOST. But often in modern conditions of the capitalist state builders realize building objects in improper quality. Reasons of the given problem are various: reduction of a used material, economy of means on poor quality materials, neglect of quality for the purpose of performance of terms of the contract. In this connection, the role of forensic construction technical expertise is being updated. But for the correct understanding of the role of forensic construction technical expertise, its goals and stages, it is necessary to determine the very essence of forensic construction technical expertise, its differences from other studies conducted by specialists in the field of construction outside the judicial sphere, namely, from the state construction supervision, as well as the essence of the extrajudicial expertise in construction.
Keywords: forensic construction technical expertise, real estate, operation, technical inspection