The article is devoted to the assessment of signs that can lead to the destruction of building structures that undergo physical wear over time. The destruction of the elements can lead to adverse consequences. A mathematical basis is used to diagnose structural failure. With its help, it is possible to determine the influence of signs contributing to the destruction of the structure on the degree of destruction. This article discusses the main provisions of the general kinetic theory, as well as methods of its application in order to determine the emergency condition of structures. The technical condition of the structures is considered from the standpoint of the determinational theory. The concept is based on the principle of reliability of the structure before the first failure. The object's trouble-free operation model embodies the science of the speeds of processes in the field of structuring and decomposition of complex system structures throughout the life cycle and shows the adaptive response of structures to factors that shorten the service life of the object. This concept makes it possible to more accurately assess the risks of structural failure from the effects of certain adverse factors.
Keywords: construction and technical expertise, defects, reliability, diagnostic tasks, diagnostic methods, efficiency