The problem of representation of the structure of the domain, which could be used in automatic summarization is described in this paper. As a solution to this problem, the authors propose to use a denotat-based text analysis technique , developed by A.I. Novikov and his school (Institute of Linguistics). This technique was the basis of the proposed infological model that makes it possible to view the structure of a particular subject area, and ultimately the creation of a system of automatic summarization.
Keywords: denotation, abstracting, understanding infological model, neural network, text comprehension, semantic clotting
The article deals with an experimental study of computer representation of the structure of the domain, which can be used in the automatic summarization. As a theoretical basis for the study psycholinguistic theory of AI Novikov was selected. The denotative text analysis technique which allows to explicate text's meaning in a graph structure was tested. The use of this technique allowed the authors to create a computational model for the automatic construction of graphs that reflect the contents of the natural text.
Keywords: denotation, computing experiment, abstracting, understanding infological model, understanding of the text, meaning clotting