Advantages of programmatic complex "Pikas" in a management a public transport are probed. Reports on work of public passenger transport are analysed. The example of drawing the results of analysis of data is considered.
Keywords: public passenger transport, reports on work of transport, reliability of transport services
he paper deals with public utilities and their specificity. Address the issue of affordability of housing and communal services. Sformulrovano one of the areas of economic transformation utilities in Russia. The main forms of contracts of public-private partnership in the sphere of housing and communal services are: a service contract, management contract, lease, concession agreements. To implement solutions and socially important tasks of the federal target program "Complex program of modernization and reform of housing and communal services for 2010-2020 public-private partnership should be a well-oiled mechanism of long-term sotrudnichestiva government and business on mutually beneficial terms.
Keywords: housing and communal services, the availability of housing and communal services, public-private partnership.