Effective reinforcement of the coating beam, by means of the construction of a framing frame around it, implies a reasonable choice of a construction from a range of rolled metal. The frame creates a single system with the coating beam by means of tension devices, the change of forces in which provides state control. In the article, a comparative analysis of moments in a frame made of an I-beam and a special steel channel, as having potentially equal performance characteristics, is proposed for a comparative study. The research was carried out on the basis of numerical modeling by the finite element method using the Etabs software product. The result of the experiment was the transverse forces and moments determined in the newly formed system – the coating beam plus the frame – from the applied loads and the percentage of reinforcement of the beam when taking into account the frame. The array of numbers obtained as a result of the numerical experiment was processed by digital mathematical analysis.
Keywords: reinforced concrete beam, I-beam reinforcement, channel reinforcement, moment, percentage of reinforcement, load, numerical method, mathematical model, comparison of results, Etabs and wxMaxima software packages