The article suggests improvement of increment borer construction by means of installing a ratchet into its handle. The suggested technical solution will allow increasing the efficiency of work with a borer while taking core of wood.
Keywords: Increment borer, preparatory works of forest logging, tree age, ratchet, core.
The article represents the description of the construction of increment borer, its present modifications and additional devices. On the basis of the conducted survey the authors of the article defined the ways for improvement of the borer. Suggested technical solutions are at the stage of patenting
Keywords: Increment borer, preparatory works of forest logging, tree age, forest inventory, core.
The article considers the questions of interrelation between preparatory and main works in forest harvesting. It also examines a method of monitoring of their effectiveness with the use of geographic information systems considering the evaluation of forest offence during these works.
Keywords: organization of forest management, forest offence, geographic information system, preparatory works, forest logging