In accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the basis of a complex of pros-pecting works, it is necessary to establish the rate of removal of the soil layer. The thickness of the removal of the soil layer is established on the basis of a complex of laboratory studies of soil samples taken from established soil hori-zons. The thickness of the soil horizons is currently determined using stock data based on the characteristic type of soil. However, the thickness of soil horizons in a number of cases on sections characterized by identical soil characteris-tics differ. Thus, in each specific case it is necessary to link the soil sections and boundaries of the selected soil con-tours instrumentally through ecological excavations. High saturation with soil workings can lead to a significant distur-bance of the soil cover of the surveyed area. To solve the above problem, it is proposed to use a unit for studying the power of multicomponent dynamical systems for vertical drilling of soil wells
Keywords: soil horizon, fertile layer, survey, withdrawal power, prospecting, well, drilling, capital construction, photographic fixation, deposition
The number of programs for modeling and design of buildings is great and continuous expansion of industry of creation objects cannot be stopped by high technologies. The most part of Russia's origin companies pay attention to foreign products despite great presence of domestic segment on the market. In the article will be considered the domestic software package Renga and also underlined his own advantages over existing analogues.
Keywords: Renga, Renga Architecture, Renga Structure, BIM, design, modeling, building, program