The possibility and expediency of switching from qualitative regulation of heat supply to quantitative in centralized heat supply systems for the existing network from the district boiler house No. 1364 of Volgograd is substantiated. The main advantages and disadvantages of each method of regulating heat supply to consumers are considered. The basic formulas for determining the thermal loads required depending on the outside air temperature, the hydraulic calibration calculation of the existing network from boiler house No. 1364 are described. Volgograd, determination of the internal hydraulic characteristics of the resistance of the heat network and determination of the required hydraulic regime for consumers of the microdistrict No. 1364, depending on the change in coolant flow due to the regulation of the speed of rotation of the pump impeller. As a result, the implementation of the transition from a qualitative to a quantitative method of regulating heat release is possible without serious hydraulic interventions.
Keywords: heat supply, control methods, heat carrier temperature, heat carrier consumption, boiler room, heat network, pump, frequency-controlled drive, hydraulic modes, thermal energy saving