Article is devoted geodetic researches, as the most important at designing of highways and airdromes. The complexes of works made at researches and designing are considered. Importance of topographical shooting of district by geodesists for creation of new cards, in the absence of cards, plans in contemporary records is noted. The special attention in article is given the modern geodetic equipment, such as: electronic recording tacheometer, GPS - antenna, and the 3D- scanner. These devices, their versions, scopes are in detail considered. The purposes and problems GPS of measurements, and also methods of work GPS of receivers are considered. In article- geodetic maintenance at building of elements of an airfield is in more details considered. Kinds of the works, which are carried out by geodesists, are designated. It is noticed that use of the modern equipment and software product AutoCAD, AutoCAD Civil 3D, CREDO, GENERAL PLAN Geonics, etc. To analogues of these software allows to save not only time for processing of field measurements, but also to carry out continuous control of a thickness of separate layers at packing that, in turn, leads to economy of means. In the conclusion authors underline special importance and responsibility assigned to geodetic service. It is noticed that introduction of the innovative equipment in all structures of road building will undoubtedly set good rate in development of a network of highways and airdromes.
Keywords: Geodetic researches, highway, electronic recording tacheometer, GPS - antenna, laser 3D - the scanner, topographical shooting, airdrome, aerial photography