To improve energy efficiency of the Russian economy and the introduction of energy saving technologies is a strategic objective. The housing sector in Russia is second largest manufacturing sector of final energy consumption: more than ¼ of total energy consumption and 45% of heat consumption in the country. Most of the apartment buildings is characterized by low efficiency of energy consumption: the energy they now consumed an average of one and a half times higher than in countries with a similar climate. Today, there are technical solutions that reduce the loss of resources in residential buildings while providing comfortable living conditions, which ultimately should lead to lower cost of the housing.
Keywords: Energy efficiency, mass housing, housing, energy saving, Apartment House
Reconstruction of buildingsis a difficultengineeringand socio-economic problem that requiresuse of the achievementsof variousfields of knowledgein materials science,structural mechanics,heat engineering, technology, and organization, economyof construction. The problem ofreconstruction of residentialbuildings includestwo aspects:- the principle ofintegrality,offers a comprehensivereview ofinternal and externalfactors affecting thebuildingduring its operation, and a systematic approach, which means the decision onthe choice of rationalprinciples,methods and techniquesof reconstructionof residential buildings.In this case,the buildingis seenas a complexsystem consisting ofstructures, engineering equipment and other items thatare under the influenceof temporary factorsexternal environment andinternal influenceson theoperation.
Keywords: Reconstruction,Town planningaspects, characteristicsof housing,planning features