Analyses the cost-effectiveness of investments in environmental protection measures and methods for identifying them. Capital investment in manufacturing ensures increase of profits and the effect of environmental costs is expressed in the form of avoided losses caused by pollution. Through extensive and wasteful environmental management regime many industrial actors enterprises-users of irreparable environmental damage to the Habitat of the region. Of possible solutions to the problem of environmental pollution, it is the ekorestrukturizacia of production and its ecological modernization of environmental pollution requires improvement of existing models for the protection of the environment, optimizing the choice of the most effective measures, radical improvement of socio-ecological and economic climate in the regions. Ekorestrukturizacia national complex branches of industrial and territorial systems and environmental improvements within sectors, forms the most important areas of the «new green industrial policy». Critical issues are handled at the macro level, are the determination of the level and structure of key macroeconomic indicators, including gross domestic product, gross national product. The regional nature conservation is not only and not so much at the enterprises and in industry, where these activities are carried out on the whole of the territory covered by their action. Environmental issues should be based on the economic mechanism of nature protection measures not inconsistent with socio-economic objectives of industrial and territorial systems in General.
Keywords: socio-ecological and economic the effectiveness, of capital investments, environmental protection
"Is analyzed the need for the investment of capital, optimizing selection most effective measures, for the reduction of technogenic action, to an improvement in the prirodokhozyaystvennoy situation. Worsening in the state of natural environment definitely requires the additional investment of capital, which draws the rise in price of production and as a result reduction in production efficiency. The tasks of the economic and social development of society must be determined taking into account ecological factor, i.e., taking into account rational use of natural resources. A substantial change in priorities and purposes of the economy of Russia, all branches and its separate sectors is required for this. In this context to the foreground are advanced effective measures for environmental protection in the process of the prirodokhozyaystvennoy activity, which correspond to the concept of steady development.A29 It is expedient to correct the taxation of profit taking into account the profitability of nature-conservation measures, effectiveness of its use with the solution of other social problems, meant both for the society, and for the ecology as a whole: investment tax credits with a considerable decrease or the cancellation of percentages for the use by them; the priority crediting of the subjects of the economy, who inject the best technologies of taking nature-conservation measures; the compensation for the part of the interest rate on the credit due to federal dollar (to 50%). The introduction of innovation technologies in the formation of the system of control of functioning and realization of nature-conservation measures, is the most important tool of an increase in the competitive ability of regions and companies under these conditions. "
Keywords: investment climate, basic capital, ecological crediting, the concept of the steady development