The article identifies tasks that can be solved by robots for agricultural purposes. Held the problem statement for robotics irrigation machines (DM) type "Frigate" due to the fuzzy control of technological processes of watering, allowing you to control the irrigation rate during the entire irrigation season regardless of the various uncertain factors that affect the quality of irrigation. Proposed to be used by DM crane-preselection analog operation, working by electricity, the fuzzy will be managed by improved control system, as well as to enter into the system management subsystem diagnostics, including sensors for measuring soil moisture and slope of DM in different parts of the field. The mathematical model of fuzzy control irrigation machine due to the software regulation of water flow depending on the topography of the field, the speed of movement of the machine across the field and soil moisture to reduce water consumption and improve the efficiency of DM. As the fuzzy logic algorithm the proposed algorithm of Mamdani, which is easily implemented in MATLAB based on the knowledge and experience of experts, and simulation. Formalization of the description of the performance of the machine carried out with the help of linguistic variables, given the type and description of elements of term-sets of these variables. The proposed mathematical model can be used when designing control systems for other robotic farm machinery.
Keywords: robotic irrigation system, fuzzy control, mathematical model, algorithm of fuzzy inference, linguistic variable, term set of a linguistic variable, basic variety