The paper presents the development of a system for detecting the status of control and protection system drives (CPS) of a water-water power reactor by vibration signals using the frequency components method. Results of experimental researches at the "Izhorskiy Plant" PO are given. Spectral analysis is used to isolate the frequency ranges of the CPS diagnostic signal spectra, and to develop diagnostic standards. The work describes formation of reference diagnostic vectors (a set of diagnostic features in the form of a binary code) and their comparison with the current state. The developed standards formed the basis for the system of automatic recognition of the object state. The introduction of such a system will simplify the task of collecting, analyzing, comparing drives data during operation at nuclear power plants, as well as improving methods of testing and diagnosing CPS drives, which should positively affect the reliability and resource of equipment.
Keywords: CPS drive, technical diagnostics, spectral analysis, diagnostic vector, state recognition
The paper proposes a method for determining the leakage in the gate of an electric drive armature by sound and ultrasonic signals using the Shannon and approximation entropy indices. The results of equipment diagnostics in laboratory and industrial conditions are presented. The results indicate the possibility of using entropy indicators as sensitive diagnostic features.
Keywords: electric drive armature, ultrasonic diagnostics, Shannon entropy, approximation entropy
The problem of selection of diagnostic signs is solved by methods of statistical, spectral and entroic processing of signals and the logical analysis of their results. Results of data processing allowed to choose the most efficient characteristics (diagnostic signs) of signals providing separability of signals in the chosen priznakovy space i.e. classification. The problem of algorithmization of diagnostics of electrodrive fittings (further EPA) is solved as a problem of a pattern recognition of five classes of a condition of EPA on the basis of comparison of the current Boolean combinations to seven standards.
Keywords: electrodrive fittings, spectral analysis, entropy of Shannon, permutation entropy, basic vector, pattern recognition
Simulation and method of classification of technical condition high-voltage the mekhatronics of modules of the movement, allowing by results of control of electrodigit activity and skrednekvadratichesky value of vibrospeed are presented, to refer current state of object to one of classes of diagnoses
Keywords: High-voltage mekhatronics module, fuzzy-model of classification of technical condition, electrodigital activity, vibrospeed
An overview of research related to the tasks of processing and filtering of signals. Signal is considered as a random process defined by probabilistic characteristics. This article addresses the issues of the history of the development of methods of signal filtering. Recent scientific publications in which the results and the main directions of research in the field of signal processing and filtering are analyzed. Presented material extends the current state of knowledge about the problem.
Keywords: signal, signal filtering, signal processing, stochastic process