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  • The selection algorithm of the metalized fiber-optic cable for its operation as a combined return conductor for the traction network of electric Railways

    The article briefly describes the technical solution for the use of specialized fiber-optic cable embedded in ground wire (OPGW) on the sections of electric Railways AC. The technical solution is to combine in a single conductor functions return conductor and fiber optic communication lines. Are given the relevance of such decisions and some peculiarities of its implementation. The main part of the article examines to the selection options return conductor with combined functions. The article describes the theoretical dependencies for the combined selection of the conductor based on the thermal resistance criterion. As one of the main passport parameters of the OPGW cables is the section of the metal component, the percentage of their content and the variation percentages are used in calculations to determine the electrical resistance of the cable and the magnitude of the permissible current. This approach allows to determine the parameters of the cable based on the criterion of reliability and allows to obtain the cable composition for a subsequent order from the manufacturer. The algorithm of selection combined return conductor that contains two stages: pre-selection based on the reference data, the choice of the real parameters from the manufacturer.

    Keywords: OPGW, reverse wire, combined reverse wire, electrothermal degradation, fiber-optic transmission lines railway transport, traction network, the choice of combined shield wire

  • Modeling of the innovation component of the Balanced Scorecard IT companies

    A strategic map for the IT company was developed. The problem of modeling a balanced system of indicators for an IT company based on colored Petri nets is considered. To organize the analysis of the structure of the system of balanced indicators, the goals and indicators are presented in the form of a colored Petri net consisting of a set of classical Petri nets. To organize a vertical and horizontal analysis of the structure of a balanced scorecard, the goals and indicators are presented in the form of a colored Petri net consisting of a set of classical Petri nets. The model proposed by the authors of the BSC on the basis of a colored Petri net, reflecting the "horizontal" and "vertical" structure of the BSC, allows modeling the dynamics of achievement of goals and changes in the indicators of the BSC based on cognitive analysis.

    Keywords: BSC, IT-company, balanced scorecard, colored Petri net, model, strategic map, horizontal structure, vertical structure

  • The analysis of the ice on the wires of power lines detection methods and their application for contact network

    Contact network work in winter conditions is much more difficult than usual. The most hard contact network mode of operation is the mode of ice with wind, which increase wind and ice load on wires and cables, reference and supporting structures. Ice loading on the wires and wind effects significantly impair the conditions of current pick-off and coupled with operational factors can cause an accident and lead to a trains stop. From this perspective the detection of glaze-ice and rime deposition in the early stages with its minimal thickness becomes of vital importance. The article examines the methods of early detection of icing which are used on the transmission lines and the ability of these methods to be used in the contact network. The terms of the contact network and power lines are different that’s why not all methods used on the transmission lines can be used. The thermodynamic method of determining the ice is observed as the main. The set of equipment that implements this method and the installation option on the contact network part have been represented.

    Keywords: overhead construction, contact wire, span wire, icing, workload, detection system, control methods, glaze-ice and rime deposition, power dispatcher, the thickness of the deposits, wire breakage, information

  • Investigation of the heat transfer in the refrigeration system with a heat pump supercomputers

    In this study, the task of optimizing the supercomputer CPU cooling system with a heat pump in the reverse Stirling cycle through numerical modeling of heat transfer processes in the test object The article presents numerical modeling of heat transfer processes in the cooling system of the supercomputer processors with a heat pump on the return cycle. We investigated the numerical model of heat transfer process in the system of CPU "cold" cylinder and heat pump system "hot cylinder" - coolant. As a result, obtained according to the thermal resistance of the system of CPU "cold" cylinder and heat pump system "hot cylinder" - coolant depending on the coefficient of heat transfer and on the value of COP of the heat pump

    Keywords: processor, heat flow, the thermal resistance of the Laplace equation, heat pump, heat exchange, reverse Stirling cycle cooling system

  • PHIL simulation of multifunctional modular systems. Conditions for choosing a model

    In the article possibilities and elements for PHIL simulation of multifunctional modular systems (MFMS) are considered. For this purpose, mathematical studies of such systems were carried out, the tasks of their basic elements were singled out, and the main task was to create a universal modular model. The structure of the energy MFMS and its problems from the position of graph theory are determined. The analysis of the existing methods of PHIL simulation is presented, as well as the structure of the simulated fragment of the system at the junction of the two modules is defined with using the "coupling" method of the scheme. As a result, conclusions were drawn about the possibility of applying a PHIL simulation to the MFMS.

    Keywords: PHIL simulation, modular systems, macro task, power hardware-in-the-loop simulation, analog-digital system, numerical part, analog part, Gauss-Seidel method, Jacobi method

  • The System Analysis of the Socialization Features of Technical Institute Students in the Conditions of the Transformation Crisis.

    The article presents the results of the sociological survey analysis of the technical institute students. A systematic analysis of the socialization peculiarities, connected with the problem of spiritual security in modern society, is carried out. The issues of spiritual security are relevant, since it is the spiritual attitudes that govern the practical activities of each person in individual self-realization.

    Keywords: system approach, spiritual security, spiritual and moral development, system analysis, professional socialization, personal development, strategy of behavior, social feeling, educational space

  • Calculation of nonstationary temperature fields of a composite design

    Is considered a two-dimensional finite element analysis of unsteady thermal regime is made of heterogeneous layers of composite construction. The degree of influence of individual geometric design changes on the character of distribution of temperature on its volume. Heat is produced from internal volumetric sources of heat, removal of heat from the outer surface by convection. The calculation of the temperature field using two-dimensional heat conduction equation (Fourier equation)

    Keywords: numerical calculation, finite element, heat conduction, convection, Fourier equation, temperature field, layer, plate, heterogeneity, design

  • The impact of electronic devices on the safety of the visual system of a technical college students

    In modern society, the factors adversely affecting the health of students, added another: the use of non-normalized electronic devices (cell phone, computer, tablet) in the educational and leisure sectors. The study confirmed the hypothesis that the students, who often use electronic devices (cell phone, computer, tablet) are disorders of the visual system. Our results emphasize the need for preventive measures among students: teaching students the skills of visual gymnastics, promotional and preventive activities that contribute to the education of students of the valuable relation to their health and maintain their visual health.

    Keywords: electronic devices, the visual system, the security of the visual system, computer vision syndrome, visual health, visual gymnastics

  • Measuring and diagnostic complex for vibroacoustic control of technical condition of the equipment

    Based on stm32discovery kit was designed device for vibro-acoustic control. For receive of vibro-acoustic signal used piezoelectric accelerometer, which connected to ADC of microcontroller stm32f4vgt6. For Processing data use personal computer with software, which was developed in visual programming language LabVIEW Data from microcontroller to personal computer transmitter with use USB to UART. Culling depend from results of comparison, reference spectrum and current spectrum by values of the correlation coefficient

    Keywords: STM32F4 Discovery, ADC, VISA Serial, LabVIEW, adapter USB to UART, vibro-acoustic control, spectrum, reference, signal processing, correlation coefficient

  • Procuring of information security in a process of certificate authorities services provision via centers of state and municipal services provision

    In the article scheme of the process optimization of certification authorities services provision which ensures security services of transmitted information is described

    Keywords: digital signature, certification authority, optimization, electronic government, centers of state and municipal services provision, information security services

  • Prospects for the development of the stadium as a multifunctional sports facility

    Physical education at the present stage of world development of society takes the form of a social phenomenon, is to strengthen the role of sport in the lives of everyone. Variety of sports meets a wide range of specially adapted facilities. The problem of technical modernization, stadium reconstruction and development as a multi-functional sports facilities (IVS). Profitability maintained and advanced facilities can be improved by putting into practice the principles of design of architectural form and structural theoretical model of the spatial organization of the IVS.

    Keywords: reconstruction of the stadium, technical modernization, multi-purpose sports facility, the principles of formation of architectural, structural theoretical model

  • Ensuring energy efficiency of buildings through the use of composite foam as a new thermal insulation material

    The paper discusses the importance of reconstruction of the existing buildings and structures as energy efficient premises. It highlights that, despite the tendency to demolish residential facilities built in the second half of the twentieth century, in many cities (not only in Russia) these premises are still in demand on the real property market. Because one of the principles of making energy efficient buildings through their reconstruction is to increase the thickness of enclosing structures the paper suggests using composite foam (PENOCOM®) as a certified composite thermal insulation material. The paper sets out the main characteristics of composite foam and provides a summary description of the technology to increase wall thickness with the use of composite foam.

    Keywords: energy efficient building, reconstruction, enclosing structures, thermal insulation material, composite foam, technology to increase wall thickness

  • Rising functional and technological efficiency of a log truck hydraulic manipulator

    One of the problems with exploitation of log trucks is damage to equipment during the process of transportation of wood material and during loading-unloading operations. The authors of the paper suggest equipping a log truck with an innovative protective butting device in order to increase reliability and work efficiency of the hydraulic manipulator. This device will allow aligning the sawn wood ends of wood products, and thus it will allow excluding a chance of protruding of sawn wood ends at an inadmissible scale which prevents forming a neighboring pack of wood products. The device will also allow excluding mechanical damages of a hydraulic manipulator by sawn wood ends of wood products being laid on a load platform. This will increase its reliability and will reduce the expenses on repair works.

    Keywords: log truck, hydraulic manipulator, modernization, reliability, safety

  • Research of mathematical model of redundancy information system

    In this paper discussed the main problems when choosing the optimal reservation of information systems. The algorithm of optimization of redundant information systems. Defines the basic concepts of developing mathematical models of redundant information systems. Given and illustrated by an example of calculation of the main reliability characteristics of a redundant information system.

    Keywords: mathematical model, simulation, redundancy, information system

  • The influence of the elements of the mounting frame of a ventilated facade on building thermal losses

    Obtained in the course of work the results show that the heat loss through fasteners ventilated facade is 40.5% of the total heat loss through the outer face of the facade. Using the data obtained for the evaluation of the heat losses of a 7 - storey residential building in the city of Nalchik, with a total area of external walling 2.470 sq. m. found that at a temperature difference of 39°C for 1 hour in the wall is the thermal energy in the amount of 57 kW«h, including 23.1 kW«h refer to the heat loss via the fastening elements of the facade panels, for 24 hours through heat-conducting inclusions is lost 554.4 kW«h For 7 months of the heating period with an average temperature of 28°C the heat loss will be 83745.7 kW«h Taking the cost of 1 kW«h of electricity 3.47 RUB and assess the rate of heat loss through the frame of a ventilated facade in cash for the entire heating period, will receive additional heat loss through the frame of a ventilated facade cost 290597 RUB.

    Keywords: temperature field, heat-conducting inclusions, ventilated facade, heat, heat flux, fasteners