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  • Complex influence of laser visual effects and sound on the functional activity of a human

    The work is devoted to research of influence of laser visual stimuli on the functional activity of man. The analysis of changes in the tempo of psychomotor activities in promoting human dynamic images of laser graphics. Stress is a state of severe and prolonged psychological stress, which occurs in a person when his nervous system gets emotional overload. Stress is an integral and constant companion of our life because the phenomenon of stress is inherent in every organism. The main objective is the minimization reasons, namely the negative impact of stress on the psychophysiology of the person, and therefore his health and functional activity, and the consequence - the effectiveness of his work, and therefore factors as personal performance of the employee and of the organization as a whole. Alternative to conventional drug and non-drug methods of preventing and dealing with stress, is audio-visual stimulation, which is based on the fact that music and color can have a strong influence on the brain.

    Keywords: psychophysiology of visual perception, light therapy, sound therapy, non-drug therapies, stress, health, medicine, optics, lasers, colors, lighting design, sound design

  • Building with a step skeleton in high-rise building

    It is studied problems of building of buildings with a difficult step skeleton. Prospects and economic efficiency of building of buildings of this kind are considered. One of perspective projects of this kind is in detail described. Building merits and demerits come to light.

    Keywords: organization of construction; high-rise housing; reinforced concrete and steel structures

  • Using of manganese-vanadium concentrate for intensification of vanadium-containing converter slag roasting

    A manganese-vanadium concentrate precipitate containing V2O5 and MnO2 is formed on the stage of wastewater ozone treatment in sodium technology of vanadium-containing converter metallurgical slag processing. Vanadium content of the slag changes between 4 and 15 % wt and manganese content changes between 62 and 75,5 % wt. The article examines influence of concentrate with 14,33 % wt V2O5 and 65,44 MnO2 % addition in slag-with-soda furnace feed to determine positive effect on the result of roasting. Vanadium content of the slag is 22,34 % wt expressed as V2O5. Roasting temperature is 850 °C, Na2O/V2O5 molar ratio is 0,5:1, the concentrate is added as 0,25; 0,5; 1,0 mass ratio on the content of soda in starting furnace feed. Degree of vanadium conversion in water- and acid-soluble compounds is increased. The most effect is provided on the process of interaction between vanadium oxides and spinels with sodium compounds with formation of water-soluble vanadium forms. The optimal addition of concentrate is 0,25-0,5 mass ratio on the content of soda. Increasing of concentrate content is not effective. Both manganese and vanadium contained in concentrate give positive effect. Concentrate addition can be recommended for existing industry regardless of type of alkali addition on the stage of roasting.

    Keywords: vanadium-containing slag, oxidating roasting with sodium, manganese-vanadium concentrate, increasing of vanadium yield, soluble compounds of vanadium and manganese

  • Prospects of a universalisation of architectural projects

    Prospects of a universalisation of civil-engineering designs of modern housing estates are studied. Possibility of erection of the multipurpose universal housing estates having a full infrastructure is considered. Questions of ergonomics, an aesthetics, economy and housing and communal services of ready object are studied

    Keywords: organization of construction; high-rise housing; reinforced concrete and steel structures

  • Monitoring the thermal efficiency of a regenerative air heater rvp-54

    The article discusses the methodology of assessing the technical condition of the regenerative air heater RVP-54 on power boilers Naberezhnye Chelny CHP on the basis of the results of the monitoring of the thermal efficiency. In article the algorithm of monitoring and evaluation of the thermal efficiency of regenerative air heater, allows in real time to compare actual performance with previous values and to eliminate the revealed violations.

    Keywords: Naberezhnye Chelny CHP, energy boiler, regenerative air heater RVP-54, technical condition assessment, commissioning and configuration, thermal calculation, temperature difference, heating surface, thermal efficiency, heat losses

  • Application of combined steel-concrete frame of high buildings

    The problem of erection of a combined frame in high-rise housing construction is studied. The issues of installation of structures, space-planning scheme of high-rise buildings. Organizational and economic ways of perfection of technology of high-rise housing construction are offered.

    Keywords: organization of construction; high-rise housing; reinforced concrete and steel structures

  • A numerical method for solving systems of linear algebraic equations based on the metric algorithm

    The article describes the problems of mathematical modeling of large systems. Scientific novelty of the work consists in the implementation of a new numerical method for solving systems of linear algebraic equations. This method is based on a targeted random search and stochastic calculations whith using of cloud technologies.

    Keywords: system of linear algebraic equations, cloud computing, self-organization, metric

  • Developmentof a new model of thinking in the formation of labor potential

    In the article the problems of formation of labor potential as a factor determining competitive advanage in today s economy/ The authors listed serveral factors that affect the structure, composithion of the workforce and the basic elements of development of labor potential.

    Keywords: knowledge economy, human capital, competence, intellectual potential, labour potential

  • Dependence of the current step of measurement on structural properties of a signal at adaptive temporary sampling of interpolation type

    The efficiency of algorithms of the adaptive temporal sampling (ATS) is defined by compressibility of an analog signal. For the purpose of prior assessment of compressibility of measuring signals the dependence of the current clock period of measurement in case of ATS from dynamic properties of a signal is considered. Depending on a priori known characteristics of dynamic properties of signals and the given error of approximation select a method of interpolation or extrapolation. In article the dependence of the current clock period of measurement on differential properties of a signal for an ideal algorithm of ATS of interpolation type is received. Restoration of a signal after ATS an interpolation polynomial of Lagrange n-oh of a level is supposed. The quality of approximation is set by criterion of uniform approximation. It is shown that the analysis of ideal ATS of interpolation type comes down to the analysis of the equivalent on value of a section of approximation of ideal ATS of extrapolation type.

    Keywords: Adaptive temporary sampling, measurement step, structural properties of a signal, interpolation, reproduction error

  • Influence of organizational and technological solutions of construction in cramped urban conditions on the environment

    Article considers the fundamentals of the organization of construction works in cramped conditions of the current town-planning situation, the impact of construction works on the environment, and a brief description of the negative impact factors is provided. The expediency of a systematic approach to improving the quality of construction is shown, including taking into account the assessment of the state of the environment and the need to reduce the negative impact of construction and installation works on nearby built-up areas. The necessity of taking into account measures to reduce the levels of negative impact on the environment during the project development of the production of works is substantiated, and a number of recommendations are given on the organization of construction works.

    Keywords: construction, cramped urban conditions, organizational and technological design, technological processes, environment, organization of construction, construction technologies, construction and installation works, means of mechanization, environmental safe

  • Organizational and technological solutions for construction in cramped urban conditions

    The article presents the results and outlines the prospects of scientific research of technological processes in cramped urban conditions. The expediency of a systematic approach to improving the quality of construction is shown, including taking into account the assessment of the state of the environment and the need to reduce the negative impact of construction works on nearby built-up areas. The necessity of taking into account the above factors in the development of the project for the production of works is substantiated.

    Keywords: construction, cramped urban conditions, organizational and technological design, technological processes, environment, organization of construction, construction technologies, construction and installation works, means of mechanization, environmental safe

  • The algorithm of a posteriori determination of instantaneous heart rate

    in article the algorithm of a posteriori calculation of heart rate on record EX. The algorithm produces the allocation of QRS complex for R-teeth, the classification of complexes into two types: normal and artifact complexes. It is proposed to classify the analysis of contours and measurement of interference at the frequency of 50 Hz. This classification can significantly improve the measurement accuracy of the instantaneous heart rate compared to the moving average

    Keywords: frequency of cardiac abbreviations, RR interval, QRS complex, Holter monitoring, selection of artifacts of the FORMER, the algorithm for calculating heart rate, contour, RR–interferometry

  • Model of management of a polystructural system on the basis of estimation and choice of alternatives by pairwise comparisons

    When managing complex systems, for example, an industrial enterprise, an organization, a socio-economic system, etc., it is necessary to take into account the fact that they can be considered as polystructural systems, i.e. as a set of heterogeneous systems, interconnected. A poly-structural system is understood to mean a variety of different components, differing in physical properties, functional purpose, complexity of the internal structure, representing a single whole. The article deals with the management of a polystructural system based on the preparation of management decision making by experts who can evaluate an alternative from the standpoint of a specialist of several elements of a polystructural system. To develop methods for determining and selecting an informed management solution, a polystructural system is considered from the standpoint of system theory and system analysis. A mathematical model is developed, which is the basis for creating information and algorithmic support for the management of the polystructural system.

    Keywords: management of a polystructural system, the choice of an administrative decision, indicators, a problem situation, the method of analyzing hierarchies, reducing the complexity of the examination

  • Dependence of the current step of measurement at adaptive temporary sampling in case of restoration of a signal an interpolation polynom of zero degree

    The efficiency of algorithms of the adaptive temporal sampling (ATS) is defined by compression ratio of an analog signal. For the purpose of prior assessment of compressibility of measuring signals the dependence of the current clock period of measurement in case of ATS from dynamic properties of a signal is considered. Based on the dependence of the current clock period of measurement on dynamic properties of a signal received earlier, formulas for assessment of value of a clock period of measurement in case of interpolation are received by Lagrange's polynomial of a 0th level and a class of the signals restricted to the selected structural model. The functional dependence of the current clock period of measurement from structural properties of a signal, in case of Lagrange's polynomial of a 0th level, allows to determine the average duration of a clock period of measurement in case of ATS. Value of average duration of a clock period of measurement in case of ATS allows to estimate value of compression ratio a priori. As assessment of an error of approximation it is selected, often used in case of restoration of signals, criterion of uniform approximation.

    Keywords: adaptive temporary sampling, measurement step, structural properties of a signal, interpolation, Lagrange's polynom, reproduction error

  • A technique of definition the opportunity of blended learning and learning individualization degree in case of practical and laboratory works in the institutes

    It is necessary to switch implementation and cheching of practical and laboratory works into remote mode in order to increase learning efficiency. Then the training process can be individualized by means of directing a student to resolve the problem depending on learning results. It can be easily realized by tools of learning management systems if problems to solve can be checked by tests. Automated scoring can be used in case of impossibility of using tests. But automated scoring can’t completely save trainer from works checking. That is why the opportunity of trainer overwork appears. A technique of definition the opportunity of blended learning and learning individualization degree in case of practical and laboratory works is presented in the paper. The technique was used to check the training efficiency in blended individualized learning in case of practical and laboratory works in classes «System modeling and control automation» and «Systemology and control systems reengineering».

    Keywords: blended learning, distance learning, practical work, laboratory work, learning individualization, complex open ended assignment, institute