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  • Mechatronic measuring module parameters of the executive movements machine system

    In this paper is offered hydraulic sensor to measure the kinematic, power and energy parameters. Developed scheme and the principles of the hydraulic sensor.  Identification  on the special flow lab with real modes of the device is determined by its performance in different conditions. Approximation of the results received dependences flow and pressure drop characteristics on the speed and entrance pressure, allowed more correctly assess and describe the operation of the hydraulic sensor over the entire range of speed and entrance pressure.

    Keywords: hydraulic sensor, spilling method, flow and pressure drop characteristics, multifunction control unit.

  • Modeling of MOSFET parameters in a wide temperature range

    The temperature dependencies of the main parameters of p-channel MOSFET model in a temperature range 20 ... 300 K are measured. The universal formal four-parametric model, which allows approximating all experimental temperature dependencies with the relative error less than 1 % is proposed. The model is intended for the MOSFETs which are applying in low-noise amplifiers of the radio-receiving devices of an optical and infrared range on astronomical satellites, radio telescopes and space observatories. The presented results can be used to simulate the temperature modes of MOSFET amplifiers in SPICE-type electronic simulators. The solution of this problem will predict uptime device when the temperature changes in the cases of emergency or extraordinary situations and also will allow optimizing the choice of refrigerant and increasing the reliability of the amplifier in the conditions of cryogenic temperatures.

    Keywords: MOSFET, MOSFET parameters, cryogenic temperature, parameters measurement, temperature dependencies

  • Development and design of a mathematical model of an autonomous mini-board ship "Neptune"

    A mathematical model of a surface mini-ship "Neptune", including a mathematical model of the actuators. Used to identify the parameters of the mathematical model. analysis of stability and controllability of surface mini-vehicle for its mathematical model.

    Keywords: mathematical model, surface mini-ship, handling, stability

  • Development and analysis autopilot surface mini-board "Neptune"

    In this paper we propose an approach to the implementation of the automatic control system of autonomous unmanned surface vessels on the example of a surface mini-ship "Neptune". Synthesized autopilot algorithms based on the theory of control of dynamic objects, developed by prof. Pshihopovym. A program of mathematical modeling. simulation results, which confirm the correctness of the proposed algorithms.

    Keywords: autopilot, surface ship, mathematical modeling

  • Development and analysis autopilot surface mini-board "Neptune"

    In this paper we propose an approach to the implementation of the automatic control system of autonomous unmanned surface vessels on the example of a surface mini-ship "Neptune". Synthesized autopilot algorithms based on the theory of control of dynamic objects, developed by prof. Pshihopovym. A program of mathematical modeling. simulation results, which confirm the correctness of the proposed algorithms.

    Keywords: autopilot, surface ship, mathematical modeling

  • Raman spectroscopy as a method for structure analysis of individual carbon nanotubes

    In this paper a systematic study of individual single-walled and multi-walled carbon nanotubes was performed by Raman spectroscopy and high-resolution electron microscopy. We have presented the geometrical and electronic structure analysis on the examples of two tubes: individual single-walled and double-walled nanotubes. The role of different environmental effects and their influence on the final structure assignment are discussed. Moreover, we have shown that the Raman spectroscopy gives reliable estimations of the nanotube diameters and the conductivity. Given a non-destructible character of Raman spectroscopy, we may conclude that it is one of the most efficient methods for structure analysis of carbon nanotubes.

    Keywords: Carbon nanotubes, Raman spectroscopy, electron microscopy

  • Synthesis of energy-efficient electric train traffic control algorithms in the conditions of overcoming the heterogeneities profile of the track

    In the paper we consider the energy efficiency of electric trains in overcoming the curved portion of the profile path. In this paper, were synthesized motion control algorithms that will help conserve energy resources by means of changes in traffic patterns electric depending on the profile path. The simulation electrorolling stock motion by offer the model showed a reduction in energy consumption compared to the nominal operation.

    Keywords: energy efficiency, electric train, traffic management, motion control algorithms, reducing the consumption of energy resources

  • Study of the formation of trihalomethanes in Baghdad water supply system

    Chlorination is the most common, and in fact no alternative method of disinfection using in Baghdad water supply system. Thus there is an urgent need to control the trihalomethanes (THMs) in drinking water. One of the objectives of this study is to investigate the content of THMs in Baghdad water supply network. Studies showed that the substantial amount of THMs formed in water distribution system, THMs content tends to increase with the distance from the starting point coupled with a decrease of residual chlorine concentration. It is observed that in summer total THMs concentration growth rate in water supply network was 1.3-1.4 times higher than in winter as well as total amount of THMs increase by 30 percent in summer. It was found that the concentration of total THMs never exceeded 80 μg/l – the level specified in National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts (Stage 1) established by USEPA. However, in summer total THMs concentration in the water always exceeded 40 μg/l – the level set in accordance with Stage 2 of this Rule. The most of total THMs (73-80%) were bromine compounds (CHCl2Br, CHClBr2 and CHBr3). It is shown that the most efficient way to reduce THMs in Baghdad water supply network is to use the chlorine dioxide for chlorination.

    Keywords: chlorine dioxide, chlorination, drinking water, trihalomethanes (THM), water supply network, water supply system

  • Process Dynamics Modeling on the Base of Text Corpus Sequence Analysis

    The represented approach of dynamic process modeling is based on the technology of automatical semantic text analysis. An associative network is forming during text processing. Its key notions, including  lexical and psycholinguistic markers of the analyzed process, are ranked by theirs semantic weight. The weight being multiplied by marker status value at the scale of “good-bad” gives its contribution to the process stage characteristic. Transformation of the accumulated for all of the markers process characteristic from one period of time to another one is characterize a direction of the process.

    Keywords: automatical text processing, associative (homogenous semantic) network, process dynamic modeling, social processes, lexical and psycholinguistic markers

  • Application the operation of vectoring conditions for the synthesis of digital state machines

    The article discusses a method for optimizing the synthesis of digital state machines for solving tasks of search patterns with masks on FPGA using automatic models. Standard methods for the synthesis of the FPGA don't optimize digital state machines, but only optimize the placement of logic elements on the chip. The method of vectoring states involve the decomposition the structure of the machine and the combining the variety of states to the vertex-array of states. The states in the vertex-array is controlled by special state machine. This simplifies the addressing to the heights of states of the graph , and optimizes logical structure of machine. The number of states of the digital machine remains unchanged. Vectorization of states is simplifying the synthesis and control of state machine and reduces the number of logical elements.

    Keywords: digital state machine, graph of digital state machine, synthesis of digital state machine, FPGA, reconfigurable computing system, pattern search, vectoring states of digital state machine.

  • Оптимизация режима формования полимерных композитных конструкций на основе метода Парето

    Одним из важнейших факторов, исключающих возникновение дефектов типа пор, расслоений, участков с неполной полимеризацией связующего в формуемой высоконагруженной полимерной композитной конструкции, является управляемость процесса во всем объеме композита. Для обеспечения однородности процесса полимеризации связующего предложен метод многокритериальной оптимизации процесса на основе математической модели, связывающей процессы распространения тепла и кинетики полимеризации. Система связанных уравнений процесса, учитывающая экзотермическое тепло, выделяемое при полимеризации термореактивного связующего, изменение теплоемкости и теплопроводности композита при фазовых переходах от жидкого к гелеобразному и, далее, к твердому состоянию, точную геометрию технологической системы, включая прессформу, а также интенсивность тепловыделения независимо управляемых нагревателей, реализована в виде конечноэлементной модели. Предложенный метод синтеза закона оптимального управления нагревателями, использующий метод множеств Парето, проиллюстрирован на примере полимеризации разностенной композитной конструкции, формуемой из стеклопластика.

    Keywords: Композиционные материалы; Процесс полимеризации; Оптимальное управление; Кинетические уравнения; Уравнения в частных производных в задачах управления и оптимизации, Конечно-элементное моделирование, Фронт Парето

  • Model the behavior of Autonomous script in the tasks of management of distributed information resources

    The article has received the further development of application technologies autonomous scripts for management of information resources of computer systems. Formalized behaviour of deterministic and stochastic autonomous scripts with the use of finite automata that enables you to develop models and technology for solving a wide class of problems of information resources management.

    Keywords: autonomous scripts, theory of finite automata, the concept of frames slot, management of distributed information resources

  • The estimated strength and deformability characteristics and strain diagrams of fiber concrete with aggregate distribution of the fibers

    The article considers the regulatory and estimated characteristics, as well as proposals for the estimate of the strength and deformability characteristics for possible practical inculcation of fiber concrete with aggregate distribution of fibers produced by the shuttle and conveyor technology, and reinforced concrete structures of them.

    Keywords: regulatory, estimated characteristics, stress-strain diagram, compression, tension.

  • Conveyor technology of fibersfoam concrete with agregating fibers and reseach its properties

    One of the most important technological aims is to obtain a fiber concrete with uniform (aggregate) distribution of the fibers by volume of concrete, from which depend essentially on the constructive and performance attributes of fiber concrete. Authors proposed pipeline technology of preparation of fiber concrete with aggregate distribution of the fibers, also they studied changes in its structural characteristics, and developed estimated recommendations for the evaluation of its strength and deformability characteristics and strain diagrams in compression and tension  

    Keywords: fiber concrete with aggregate distribution of fibers, strength and deformability characteristics, deformation diagrams

  • Solution of one-criterion optimization problem of crew actions scheduling on Russian segment of International space station

    The flight scheduling process is briefly described in the article. It is one of the most important stages of space flight control task solution. Three stages of flight scheduling are given: strategic, tactical and executive. The result of each scheduling phase is presented by special plan type: on-orbit operation summary, weekly lookahead plan, short-term plan. The difference of these plan types is in planning interval and data processing depth. The mathematical modeling of all required data and restrictions is made. A crew downtime minimization is the selected optimization criterion. Modified genetic algorithm for decision of assigned task is designed. The future tasks regarding crew activities scheduling process optimization are defined  

    Keywords: scheduling, flight operation, crew activities, optimization, mathematical modeling, genetic algorithm