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  • The effect of GFRP reinforcement on the strength of normal sections in flexural concrete elements

    In this article considered the questions related to the strength of normal sections in reinforced concrete beams, in which steel reinforcement is completely or partially replaced by a fiberglass rod. It was established that the strength of such beams is less, but the strain is significantly higher compared to the traditional reinforced. Calculating with current standards dramatically overstates theoretical bearing capacity of these beams with composite reinforcement

    Keywords: concrete, reinforced concrete, strength, normal sections, steel, fiberglass reinforcement GFRP, composite materials, research

  • The deformability of concrete beams reinforced with GFRP and combined (hybrid) reinforcement

    In this article considered the questions related to how the deformability is influenced in concrete beams, in which steel reinforcement replaced with fiberglass GFRP or a combination (hybrid). The latter is very important, as the current standards do not account the increased in strength of composite reinforcement, whereas its elasticity modulus is lower than the elasticity modulus of steel reinforcement.

    Keywords: concrete, reinforced concrete, strength, deformability, steel, fiberglass reinforcement GFRP, composite, the modulus of elasticity, deflection

  • Specification of a technique of definition of a charge of drop ablation in a working zone at barbotage electrolits

    In article questions of improvement of a technique and theoretical bases of electrocatching with reference to problems of fight against drop ablation in a working zone in the conditions of galvanic production are considered.

    Keywords: electrocatching, drop ablation, working zone, barbotage, charge, drop

  • Ways and means of decrease in noise loadings on the civil engineering enterprisies

    In article it is disscused ways of decrease in noise and realization of actions for decrease in professional risk of workers construction industry enterprises working under the influence of high levels of noise.

    Keywords: industrial nois, professional risks,labor protection

      Semicars, as is known, are a universal rolling stock. For today in RZD and in transport HIGH SCHOOLS of the country works of research character on regulation and operation optimization by a universal rolling stock are actively conducted. In article a task in view on optimum control empty cars of various patterns of ownership with use of a transport problem.

    Keywords: Park of semicars, cars own involved (ВСП), empty a traffic volume, the First cargo company (ПГК), the Second cargo company (ВГК), and the basic plan

  • Algorithm for calculation of reflection on the basis of geometric model

    The algorithm of construction of reflections from the screens of complex shape. Geometric modeling based on the proposed algorithm makes it possible to conduct a rapid assessment of the distances between the fire building complex geometry, and between the process equipment, which is characterized by heat. Analytical dependences describing the process of building reflections, software algorithms and examples of calculations.

    Keywords: geometric modeling, geometrical optics, geometrical acoustics, the laws of reflection

  • Use of an inversion multidimensional classification in conceptual design

      The article is devoted to the methodology of construction of fields of knowledge through the use of procedures inversion, allowing to most fully present the essence of the studied object, its inner content, expressed as a unity of diversity contradictory properties ensuring its integrity required for the generation of new knowledge as an increase to the number of criteria for the classification and, accordingly, the space of the classification.

    Keywords: conceptual design, fields of knowledge, classification, inversion

  • The interferometric system interface definition of the relative coordinates of radio-emitting objects

      The paper contains a mathematical formulation of the problem of synthesis interferometric determination of the relative coordinates of the radio-emitting objects. Option structural implementation of the interface for it to work in real-time microcomputer-based system of passive location proposed. Version of the algorithm operation interface includes a primary carrier detect and calculate the phase difference between the received signals was proposed. Hardware requirements are formulated its implementation.

    Keywords: interface structure, the coordinate, algorithm, the interferometer, radio-emitting objects

  • Rheology salt massif with a spherical cavity

    This article is related to technological problems of cavities with kamufletnyh explosions, during which the temperature in the cavity greatly exceeds the initial temperature of the array. Often these cavities are created in an array of rock salt. Because the salt even at light loads demonstrate expressive flow properties, it is interesting solution to the problem of creep salt massif with a cavity under the action of a force (pressure inside the cavity and the pressure of the soil), and thermal loads.

    Keywords: heterogeneity, creep, highly elastic deformation, hydrochloric array coupling equation, the integral relations

  • On the theorization of group wood barking

      Mathematical models describing the process of group wood barking in the barking drums are suggested.

    Keywords: group barking, mathematical model, barking drum

  • Categories of psychotherapeutic discourse and their expression in the language (on the basis of the novel by I. Yalom The Schopenhauer Cure)

    The article describes such categories of psychotherapeutic discourse as its participants, aims, values, specific concepts. Special attention is given to the means of the categories’ expression in the language. The authors name so called teleonomic concepts of the psychotherapeutic discourse (life – death), discourse –specific concept relationship is also in focus. It is noted that psychotherapeutic discourse is of a metaphorical nature.

    Keywords: psychotherapeutic discourse, discourse participants, relationship, discourse metaphorical nature

  • High-frequency bandpass RC filter on current repeaters

      This paper presents a generalized framework level band pass filter used in the construction of broadband active RC filters. The conditions that determine the potential stability of the broadband link and its parameters. A variant of circuit implementation, in which low parametric sensitivity of Q to passive circuit elements is achieved on the basis of its own compensate small-signal parameters of bipolar transistors parameters amplification. The results of computer simulations have confirmed that the principle of self compensate coupling semiconductor can significantly reduce the sensitivity of the parametric parts of the second-order band-pass filters based on existing low technologies.

    Keywords: system-on-chip, band pass filter, quality, current amplifier, the sensitivity, bipolar transistor

  • Private and mutual compensation circuits in symmetric stages CMOS operational amplifiers

      The paper discusses the features of their own circuits and mutual compensation circuitry in a differential stage in CMOS transistors. It is shown that their composition can significantly increase the differential gain in symmetric cascades with a dynamic load, significantly reduce common mode gain and extend the range of operating frequencies. As an example, the evolution of the basic concept of a symmetric stage and the results of its simulation in Cadence Virtuoso.

    Keywords: micro circuitry, structural synthesis, complex-function blocks, a differential stage, a CMOS transistor, system-on-chip

  • Simplified determination of parameters piezomaterial on samples of elements in the form of a disk

      The approximate formulas for determination of planar electromechanical force factor and piezomodule in the disk-form samples without Poisson coefficient evaluation of the smallest (first) frequency equation root are derived. It simplifies procedure of measurements because measurement of frequency of the first overtone isn't required.

    Keywords: piezomaterial, disk, planar electromechanical force factor, piezomodule, Poisson coefficient

  • Search of optimum location of stations of an overload solid municipal waste mathematical methods

    In article the technique of optimization of placement of waste reloading stations, allowing to define both location, and number of stations that allows to reduce both operational and capital expenditure for the organization and functioning of system of the address with a waste is offered.

    Keywords: technological process of transportation, a solid municipal waste, critical distance