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  • The formation of indicators system of a sustainable development of municipal territories

      The basis for building the effective system of making a decision on municipal level is necessary to develop an activities of sustainable development. The system of municipal indicators of a sustainable development allows to estimate stability development of a territory, results of implementation of existing regional target programs, timely reveal the becoming problems, to correct plans of social and economic development of the region.

    Keywords: sustainable development, municipality, indicator, efficiency, system

  • Methodological basis of the investment strategy for modernization and development of water transport industrial enterprises

    Efficient investment strategy for modernization and development of water transport industrial enterprises requires using the forecasting methodology aimed at searching for new opportunities of economic development based on intensification of the existing and creation of new competitive advantages of Russian economics. Analysis of regularities in the development of water transport indicates advisability of a four-stage algorithm for the development of a mid-term investment policy forecast and scenarios.

    Keywords: Water transport, Industrial enterprises, Investment strategy.

  • Evaluation of the conditions of formation of the integrated structures in construction

    The article reviews the prerequisites for the formation of the integrated structures in construction. The evaluation of the conditions and factors of development of building cluster in the region's economy.

    Keywords: integration, cluster, region, clustering, building, competitiveness, integrated structure

  • Mortgage crediting as a tool of ensuring economic growth

    The paper deals with the analysis of mortgage creditinginvestment aspect. The economic essence of mortgage investment as a category is disclosed and its distinctive features is revealed. The structure of mortgage crediting investment mechanism isexamined and itsbasic blocks are distinguished. The mortgage crediting impact on the economy of the country is identified and special attention is paid to the methods of functions of the state in the process of formation of the mortgage crediting market system.

    Keywords: mortgage crediting, mortgage investment, investment mechanism, economic growth, national project, government control

  • Forming of urban agglomerations as an instrument rapid socio and economic development

    The paper analyzes the main trends in the of urban agglomerations in Russia and the prospects for their expansion and consolidation. Carried out a comparative analysis of the factors of development for the largest agglomerations in Russia, revealed the positive effect of agglomeration effects on the regional economy.

    Keywords: urban agglomeration, agglomeration effect, rate of agglomeration’s development, territory development

  • Post-crisis housing market: origins and prospects

    The global financial crisis has demonstrated that the housing market is mainly speculative. This tendency is problematic for policymakers and businessmen because by its very nature, no one knows the understanding and the logic of housing speculative investments, how large they are and how to predict the long-term cycles. The paper gives an overview of the causes, major threats and dangers of speculative investments in real estate. It provides a number of strategic measures to promote post-crisis perspectives of the housing industry.

    Keywords: crisis, housing market, speculative investment, mediation nets, collapse investing, post-crisis perspectives

  • Effects of leasing for small and medium-sized businesses in the region

    The article deals with leasing as an instrument of investment support for small and medium-sized businesses, its comparison with the credit. Characterized by regional leasing and ways of its development. Consider some types of leasing: Innovation and IT leasing. The characteristics and classification of the factors in the development of innovative leasing. Based on the research the author suggests to develop public policies for regional leasing.

    Keywords: investment support, regional leasing, regional innovation policy, innovation leasing, IT leasing

  • To a question of application nanotechnologies in manufacture of building materials

    In article the analysis of a condition of production of cement concretes with use nano-technologies is carried out. A production technique of cement concretes with introduction nanoparticles and simultaneous levigating of a cementing agent is offered.

    Keywords: nanodispersible modificators, nanotechnology, re-crushing portland cement parts, a strength improvement of cement concretes, vortex band apparatuses, activity of cement, activation, apparatuses of a vortex band

  • Intellectual property as realized innovation

    This paper considers a new value innovations arising in connection with its implementation. Given the implementation process of scientific and technical product, which runs a series of stages, and becomes an innovation receiving legal protection of intellectual property. Finally innovation in the enterprise is used as an intangible asset. Considering the complexity and versatility of intellectual objects, arises need to conduct their identification. The paper gives a general scheme of works on the identification of intellectual property.

    Keywords: innovation, intellectual property, identification, scientific and technical products, intangible assets, an improvement.

  • Automation of supply process of waste materials on the supply-procurement manufactory

    We have shown co-method of IT-strategy development, using business component model.  The article represents on the supply-procurement manufactory by procurement, processing and sale of waste materials.

    Keywords: analysis, automation, IT-strategy, component model, manufacture, authentication, protection, data ware

      In article are considered particularities of the aspectual composition of flora and faunas of the republic Kalmykiya, their differences in territorial spreading. It is given analysis антропогенному influence on vegetable and animal world, the Revealed reasons деградации biological potential. Accent is made on condition of the populations of the antelope of the saiga. The Installed factor, influencing upon decision of the problem guard and reproduction охотничье-commercial fauna, danger is shown for vegetable and animal of the world fire.

    Keywords: vegetation, animal world, антропогенное influence, population, industrial production, steep fires, ecological situation, antelope-saiga

  • About possibility of decrease in electro resistance of inserts of trolleybuses

    Studied in article the question of decrease in electro resistance of inserts of trolleybuses, a design of a contact insert of slip rings of trolleybuses and a composite material for its manufacturing is investigated.

    Keywords: Impregnation, carbon-graphite, an insert.

      The authors Strakhova N.A. and Lebedinsky P.A. investigated the relevance of energy efficiency and energy conservation. On the basis of these data, the authors analyzed the efficiency of modern Russian law, examines the barriers to the implementation of measures, and it is suggested applicability of the measures regulated by the results of environmental audits.

    Keywords: еenergy efficiency, energy conservation, international experience, regulatory and legislative framework, energy, environment

  • Technological methods of increasing the Curie point of PZT piezoceramic phase

    It was investigated the influence several additives and process parameters on the properties of piezoelectric ceramics based on PZT phase systems. It was shown that the use of the substitution of Pb2+ ions on the Bi3+, and Ti4+ ions, and Zr4+ to Fe3+ and Mn4+, as well as the method of "chemical assembly «allows to obtain increase the Curie temperature of ceramic samples of 50 - 170°C. The theoretical aspects of this area of research have been discussed in this article.

    Keywords: ferroelectric phase, Curie temperature, ceramics, precursors, perovskite, a solid-state method, a method of «chemical assemblage

  • Klasterny approach in regional policy

    In article the characteristic of a klasterny approach in economic policy is given and its application in realization of complex strategy of social and economic development of the north Caucasian federal district within two last years is considered. The main cluster in which large investments are carried out, became tourist and recreational. Actions of the main investors – the state and private business are considered. The problems arising during implementation of projects on development of a tourist and recreational cluster are revealed, and ways of their decision are designated.

    Keywords: cluster, klasterny approach, klasterny policy, tourist and recreational cluster of the north Caucasian federal district